Our Top Tips on Improving Your Front Garden
Over the years as landscapers Vandenberg-Hider has landscaped a large variety of gardens in Norfolk, Suffolk and the rest of East Anglia. Here are some tips on how you can improve your front garden.
Entrance splays
A great way to make an instant impact on your property leading directly from the road is by creating
An effective and hard-wearing material that is perfect for driveways is
is to landscape the entrance. For this purpose we have used a variety materials. Granite setts are a great material for an instant effect and will upgrade the house and the surrounding area.
This material has been used for centuries. Granite setts will retain their colour and their appearance will improve over time especially in combination with classic and contemporary planting. Another great
material is to use a clay paving brick. Nowadays there is a great selection of material available. From The a Tudor brick to a Staffordshire blue stable yard pavior. Paving bricks can be laid in a variety of patterns, from Herringbone to a half bond to a basket weave pattern. For an entrance splay we recommend that these bricks are laid on a concrete base, that the bricks are laid on a wet mortar bed and that the edges of the splay are haunched in concrete. We recommend the use of SBR additive to the mortar to increase the mortar strength.
Front gardens
Front gardens are often overlooked when improving the property. A good landscaped front garden will no doubt improve the setting of the house and its future saleability.
We think paving right up to the wall of the house is a massive no-no. It’s important to leave some space for planting to soften the interchange between the two. If parking is required, carefully choose the right paving material. Select colours and materials which complement the area. The front garden can be constructed and planted for low maintenance.
Softening the edges of any paved areas will make a great difference to the overall appearance. We suggest replacing a timber fence with a hedge. Yew trees create great hedges and can be bought (inexpensively) fully grown in order to create an instant hedge.
Entrance to the Front Door
The entrance to the house can be vastly improved by building a path to the front door. Dressing up the front with potted plants, and using good quality paving material can make a huge difference are relatively inexpensive.