Always trying to do that little bit more
At Vandenberg Hider we are always trying our best to give back to the community and give help to those who need it the most.
Charities that we have donated to:
Waveney Food Bank
“We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.”
Harleston Beer Festival
“Offer quality local beers & ciders, local food & supporting local music acts. Your support both financially and donated equipment is a massive help! The funds have go to support the local schools, OAP's Christmas lunch, Bact community transport and many more projects.”
YMCA Trinity Group
“We are a local charity that has been at the heart of community transformation in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire and Suffolk since 1852. Above all, our focus has always been on building proactive and sustainable communities with an emphasis on supporting Young People and helping them to realise their full potential on their journey from dependence to independence.”